Internal Audits

Maintaining a robust and effective Information Security Management System (ISMS) is crucial for any organization. BT's Internal Audit Service leverages the internationally recognized ISO 27001 framework to conduct comprehensive and independent reviews of your ISMS, ensuring compliance with the standard and optimizing its effectiveness.

What you get

Standardized and Rigorous Approach
Our internal audits strictly follow the ISO 27001 standard, providing a consistent and objective assessment of your ISMS compliance and effectiveness.
Experienced and Certified Auditors
Our team comprises experienced and certified auditors who possess deep understanding of the ISO 27001 framework and the nuances of information security.
Independent and Objective Evaluation
We provide an independent and unbiased perspective on your ISMS, identifying areas for improvement and providing valuable recommendations.
Continuous Improvement and Optimization
Our audits go beyond simple compliance verification. We offer actionable recommendations to strengthen your ISMS and ensure its ongoing effectiveness.

Benefits of Our Internal Audits

Enhanced Compliance
Regular internal audits demonstrate your commitment to maintaining a compliant ISMS, facilitating external certification and potentially reducing risk of fines or legal consequences.
Improved Security Posture
By identifying and addressing weaknesses within your ISMS, you can proactively strengthen your overall security posture and minimize the risk of security breaches.
Greater Efficiency and Cost Savings
A well-optimized ISMS improves operational efficiency and streamlines security processes, potentially leading to cost savings in the long run.
Increased Confidence and Transparency
Regular internal audits foster a culture of security awareness within your organization and provide leadership with confidence in the effectiveness of the ISMS.

How We Deliver Our Internal Audits

By choosing BT's ISO27001 Internal Audits, you gain an invaluable tool for maintaining a compliant, effective, and continuously improving ISMS. Our experienced auditors and standardized approach ensure a comprehensive and objective assessment, empowering you to build trust and confidence in your organization's security posture.

Get started


Planning and Scoping

We collaborate with your team to understand your specific needs, ISMS context, and desired scope of the audit.

Documentation Review

Our auditors meticulously review your ISMS documentation, policies, procedures, and risk assessments against the ISO 27001 requirements.


On-Site Interviews and Evidence Gathering

We conduct interviews with key personnel, observe security practices, and collect relevant evidence to assess the practical implementation of your ISMS.


Findings and Reporting

We deliver a comprehensive report outlining identified non-conformities, observations, and recommendations for improvement.


Management Review and Corrective Action

We collaborate with your team to review the audit findings, prioritize corrective actions, and establish a timeline for implementation.


Ongoing Support

We offer ongoing support and guidance to ensure successful implementation of corrective actions and continuous improvement of your ISMS


Let's get started

Reach out to schedule an introductory call with one of our team members and learn more about how BT can be a multiplier for your SecOps capabilities.

contact us
+1 (858) 381 4977
US: 1855 1st Avenue, San Diego, California 92010

MX:  Rampa Aeropuerto 16000, La Pechuga, Tijuana, B.C, Mexico C.P.22425
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